Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My synopsis Methodology for PhD

The topic of my thesis was  


Here is the............. 
The present study will be carried out with the blend of two research techniques/designs i.e. research –cum action. The survey to do research (exploratory design) will be carried out with the help of interview schedule, through the help of which the primary data will be collected on different dimensions of slum youth’s situation for example their background family, present conditions, different problems. In addition, an inventory will also be used to collect information about the existing essential facilities and programmes of action of the Govt., Municipal and Corporation Bodies and NGO’s for slum youth.
After identifying the problems of slum youth the action research will be initiated to correct the situation, to achieve the recognition of the need for change of slum situation, aware them of civic or social responsibilities and of their capacities thereby bringing social charge. The goal is to promote the growth of the slum life and encourage development of slum through their own efforts and civic improvement      
Operational Definition:
Slum youth defined:
The slum youth refer of here as the official age-group that defines youth in India which is 15-35 years.
Research Design for Situational Analysis:
The inquiry will be explanatory-cum-descriptive design. While the formulative or exploratory design will be chosen in order to gain familiarity with the situation of slum youth, the descriptive design will be picked up for portraying accuratively the characteristics of slum youth and for determining its association with the socio-economic factors.
Action research:
Action research design will be used for the study. Action research is the process by which practitioners attempt to study problems scientifically in order to guide correct and evaluate decisions and actions (Corey, 1953). This action research demands launching projects in the field for finding out workable solutions to the problems. Another important aspect of an action research is that it adapts itself to the changes that lake place in the particular community.
‘Evaluation refers to the procedures of fact finding about the results of planned social action which in turn move the spiral of planning ever upward. It is the proper methodological accompaniment of rational action. The theme has always been with us; it is the performance that is different (                                                                       ).
Impact on slum life
To find the impact on the life ; questions of inter pertional relationship among the slum people and the relations within neighbor hood had improved or deterioted wether group activities of youth increased or decreased. The results will be tabulated and interpreted for guidance for the scientists, researchers and academicians to blend their research with the actual help provided to the needy. If the findings will be positive as assumed then it will be helpful  for all those who are interested to improve with the help of their own efforts.

Research will be carried out into five  phases as fallows:

Phase I      Sampling Procedure
The details have been furnished under specific subhead.
Selection of slum area
        i) Locale of the study
Jaipur City of Rajasthan State and Hisar City of Haryana State will be the locale of the study. The rationale to select these cities is that Jaipur is the place of the study of researcher and she belongs to Hisar city of Haryana.
              ii) Selection of slum area:
There are 109 identified slum areas in Jaipur and 49 slum areas in Hisar City. The list of all the slum areas with their population will be procured from the M.C.’s of both the cities. Slum areas with maximum population will purposely be listed separately to make the sample representative.
              iii) Selection of respondents for situational analysis
From the sampled slum areas 300 slum (50 per cent male and 50 per cent female youth) youth households will be randomly selected to study their situation (200 slum youth house holds from Japipur city and 100 from Hisar city as the slum areas identified in there cities are also in 2:1.
            Phase II          In this phase interview schedule to assess the situation of slum youth will be constructed then pretesting and finalization of interview schedule/questionnaire will be done as fallows:
              Construction of Interview schedule
Before the construction of interview schedule, it is felt necessary to have an in depth discussion with slum youth individually or in-groups. These discussions helped in constructing the interview schedule. The schedule thus, developed in accordance with the methodological procedures described keeping in view the objectives of the investigation. The schedule will be pretested on 25 randomly selected slum youth from the selected slum area of Hisar city. Interview schedule will be suitably modified in the light of the experiences gained during pretesting in consultation with the guide of the research study.
PhaseIII-      In this phase data will be collected with the help of interview schedule, tabulated precisely and analyzed as fallows:
                        i) Data  Collection
                        Before taking up the actual work for data collection repeated visits will be made by researcher to the slum area with a view to develop sufficient rapport with the slum youth. The data will be collected with the use of will structured interview schedule developed for the purpose.
ii)Analysis of the data
Analysis of the data will be done appropriately with the help of standardized statistical tools and tests to draw the inferences. For the situation of slum youth, problems will be identified for action phase. Programmes of action of the Govt., Municipal and Corporation Bodies and NGO’s for slum youth will be sorted out.Non-parametric analysis of the data will be done,  the study will be adopted percentage analysis for the data in general and chi-square (x2) for looking at the relationship between independent and dependent variables. When the term ‘significantly related’ will be used, it will mean that in 5 per cent level of significance we will be accurate in 95 per cent of the cases that it is a product of class conditioning rather than chance of sampling.
Phase IV         Action phase …………… establishment of the action groups in the form of youth clubs for male slum youth and mahila mandals for the female slum youth , to carry out different activities to improve their conditions, evaluation process and impact assessments will be carried out as fallows:
                  In action phase youth clubs will be formed with the slum youths (male) having some leadership qualities to represent the particular slum area. Activities will be put in order for action groups to carry on in the representative slum areas (factions). Mahila mandals will be formed with the slum youth (female). At initial stage one youth club/Mahila mandal will be formed in each of the three slum areas. The items of action to improve the physical condition in relation to health and sanitation will be; sanition campaigns with voluntary participation of the slum residence( shram Daan); health and nutrition; kirtan groups; games and sports meets; cultural evenings; independence day celebrations; class of arts and crafts, sewing, preservation of food items; consumer awareness; festival celebrations; literacy classes; child care; institutional awareness to harness benefits ment for their improvement; first-aid; consumer education; awareness about the rights of the citizens etc will be conducted to improve the condition of the slum people. Professionals will be invited by request to conducted certain class as first-aid, family planning, to provide institutional awareness, to register their group as youth club in Nehru Yuva Kendras. Guidence will be provided to them  to register their own NGO’s,so that they can organize themselves to become one voice solve their problems. Evaluation study will be conducted side by side with the action phase so that effectiveness of the action activities will be assessed.
Phase V    Qualitative data will be quantified, appropriately, tabulated and analyzed. Standardized statistical tools and tests will be used to draw the inferences. Report righting will be done for all the research components as well as for the action phase. Report righting will be done for the whole process i.e. for research and action phase.

Time frame of the study

Review of literature
8 months
Development of tool
Pretesting and modification of the tool
1.5  month
Data collection
3.5 months
Tabulation and analysis of the data
3 months
Action and evaluation phase
14 months
Report righting
4 months
36 months


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Women with fodder.....waiting for a liftbundles of grassb

On the way to Shiv Nagar!!!!

bundles of grass...waiting to be transported.....

woman  in waiting posture!!!!!!!! 

Happy pose!!!! 

Asking for a lift.
Women of a slum area .......used to go for grass hunt in the fields of nearby village farms .on the way back they took a lift to reduce their drudgery............of loads of fodder on their head!!
Happy Day!!!!!