Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My synopsis Methodology for PhD

The topic of my thesis was  


Here is the............. 
The present study will be carried out with the blend of two research techniques/designs i.e. research –cum action. The survey to do research (exploratory design) will be carried out with the help of interview schedule, through the help of which the primary data will be collected on different dimensions of slum youth’s situation for example their background family, present conditions, different problems. In addition, an inventory will also be used to collect information about the existing essential facilities and programmes of action of the Govt., Municipal and Corporation Bodies and NGO’s for slum youth.
After identifying the problems of slum youth the action research will be initiated to correct the situation, to achieve the recognition of the need for change of slum situation, aware them of civic or social responsibilities and of their capacities thereby bringing social charge. The goal is to promote the growth of the slum life and encourage development of slum through their own efforts and civic improvement      
Operational Definition:
Slum youth defined:
The slum youth refer of here as the official age-group that defines youth in India which is 15-35 years.
Research Design for Situational Analysis:
The inquiry will be explanatory-cum-descriptive design. While the formulative or exploratory design will be chosen in order to gain familiarity with the situation of slum youth, the descriptive design will be picked up for portraying accuratively the characteristics of slum youth and for determining its association with the socio-economic factors.
Action research:
Action research design will be used for the study. Action research is the process by which practitioners attempt to study problems scientifically in order to guide correct and evaluate decisions and actions (Corey, 1953). This action research demands launching projects in the field for finding out workable solutions to the problems. Another important aspect of an action research is that it adapts itself to the changes that lake place in the particular community.
‘Evaluation refers to the procedures of fact finding about the results of planned social action which in turn move the spiral of planning ever upward. It is the proper methodological accompaniment of rational action. The theme has always been with us; it is the performance that is different (                                                                       ).
Impact on slum life
To find the impact on the life ; questions of inter pertional relationship among the slum people and the relations within neighbor hood had improved or deterioted wether group activities of youth increased or decreased. The results will be tabulated and interpreted for guidance for the scientists, researchers and academicians to blend their research with the actual help provided to the needy. If the findings will be positive as assumed then it will be helpful  for all those who are interested to improve with the help of their own efforts.

Research will be carried out into five  phases as fallows:

Phase I      Sampling Procedure
The details have been furnished under specific subhead.
Selection of slum area
        i) Locale of the study
Jaipur City of Rajasthan State and Hisar City of Haryana State will be the locale of the study. The rationale to select these cities is that Jaipur is the place of the study of researcher and she belongs to Hisar city of Haryana.
              ii) Selection of slum area:
There are 109 identified slum areas in Jaipur and 49 slum areas in Hisar City. The list of all the slum areas with their population will be procured from the M.C.’s of both the cities. Slum areas with maximum population will purposely be listed separately to make the sample representative.
              iii) Selection of respondents for situational analysis
From the sampled slum areas 300 slum (50 per cent male and 50 per cent female youth) youth households will be randomly selected to study their situation (200 slum youth house holds from Japipur city and 100 from Hisar city as the slum areas identified in there cities are also in 2:1.
            Phase II          In this phase interview schedule to assess the situation of slum youth will be constructed then pretesting and finalization of interview schedule/questionnaire will be done as fallows:
              Construction of Interview schedule
Before the construction of interview schedule, it is felt necessary to have an in depth discussion with slum youth individually or in-groups. These discussions helped in constructing the interview schedule. The schedule thus, developed in accordance with the methodological procedures described keeping in view the objectives of the investigation. The schedule will be pretested on 25 randomly selected slum youth from the selected slum area of Hisar city. Interview schedule will be suitably modified in the light of the experiences gained during pretesting in consultation with the guide of the research study.
PhaseIII-      In this phase data will be collected with the help of interview schedule, tabulated precisely and analyzed as fallows:
                        i) Data  Collection
                        Before taking up the actual work for data collection repeated visits will be made by researcher to the slum area with a view to develop sufficient rapport with the slum youth. The data will be collected with the use of will structured interview schedule developed for the purpose.
ii)Analysis of the data
Analysis of the data will be done appropriately with the help of standardized statistical tools and tests to draw the inferences. For the situation of slum youth, problems will be identified for action phase. Programmes of action of the Govt., Municipal and Corporation Bodies and NGO’s for slum youth will be sorted out.Non-parametric analysis of the data will be done,  the study will be adopted percentage analysis for the data in general and chi-square (x2) for looking at the relationship between independent and dependent variables. When the term ‘significantly related’ will be used, it will mean that in 5 per cent level of significance we will be accurate in 95 per cent of the cases that it is a product of class conditioning rather than chance of sampling.
Phase IV         Action phase …………… establishment of the action groups in the form of youth clubs for male slum youth and mahila mandals for the female slum youth , to carry out different activities to improve their conditions, evaluation process and impact assessments will be carried out as fallows:
                  In action phase youth clubs will be formed with the slum youths (male) having some leadership qualities to represent the particular slum area. Activities will be put in order for action groups to carry on in the representative slum areas (factions). Mahila mandals will be formed with the slum youth (female). At initial stage one youth club/Mahila mandal will be formed in each of the three slum areas. The items of action to improve the physical condition in relation to health and sanitation will be; sanition campaigns with voluntary participation of the slum residence( shram Daan); health and nutrition; kirtan groups; games and sports meets; cultural evenings; independence day celebrations; class of arts and crafts, sewing, preservation of food items; consumer awareness; festival celebrations; literacy classes; child care; institutional awareness to harness benefits ment for their improvement; first-aid; consumer education; awareness about the rights of the citizens etc will be conducted to improve the condition of the slum people. Professionals will be invited by request to conducted certain class as first-aid, family planning, to provide institutional awareness, to register their group as youth club in Nehru Yuva Kendras. Guidence will be provided to them  to register their own NGO’s,so that they can organize themselves to become one voice solve their problems. Evaluation study will be conducted side by side with the action phase so that effectiveness of the action activities will be assessed.
Phase V    Qualitative data will be quantified, appropriately, tabulated and analyzed. Standardized statistical tools and tests will be used to draw the inferences. Report righting will be done for all the research components as well as for the action phase. Report righting will be done for the whole process i.e. for research and action phase.

Time frame of the study

Review of literature
8 months
Development of tool
Pretesting and modification of the tool
1.5  month
Data collection
3.5 months
Tabulation and analysis of the data
3 months
Action and evaluation phase
14 months
Report righting
4 months
36 months


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Women with fodder.....waiting for a liftbundles of grassb

On the way to Shiv Nagar!!!!

bundles of grass...waiting to be transported.....

woman  in waiting posture!!!!!!!! 

Happy pose!!!! 

Asking for a lift.
Women of a slum area .......used to go for grass hunt in the fields of nearby village farms .on the way back they took a lift to reduce their drudgery............of loads of fodder on their head!!
Happy Day!!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

A study on Hibisus rosa sinensis

I realised the beauty of this plant when we planted it in my terracota pot. 
Deep green serrated leaves and blood red flowers- no wonder it is a darling of goddess  Durga. 
This time I observed it bloom between 7:30 and 8:15 in the morning. Tried to capture it in camera. 

China rose, Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China, shoeblack plant, shoe black, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis(noun)
-----------from online dictionary

Hibiscus: Hibiscus rosascinencis flowers are used in hair oil. They can be boiled in coconut oil and the oil can be used. Along with of course can be added Maka, Brahmi.
- Marketed by name of "Java Kusum" or "Jaba Kusum"  Tail (Tel or Oil). 
- Also Jaswala hairoil.

Large showy Asiatic shrub or small tree having large single or double red to deep-red flowers.This is the most common type of Hibiscus rosa sinensis.. and the petals have not been eaten by insects rather 
the margin of the petals are wavy... which gives it such an appearance.

The study

Not mine-please! this is the link click the link Hibiscus Rosa sinensis  a   Study 
and excerpts

Much of the claims are based on tradition and anecdotal evidence instead of scientific studies. In a rather rare study, Adhirajan et al. tested the effects of two Hibiscus rosa-sinensis extracts, one made from leaves and one from flowers, on albino rats.

The extract was made by drying and powdering leaves and flowers of the plant, extracting them with petroleum ether and then mixing a gram of the extract in 100 ml of liquid paraffin. This produced the 1% active compound, which was topically applied on the backs of shaved mice.

Here and  Here for my other posts on my China rose  have aread.

Have alovely day!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

MY Dearest Dr. Revathi Balakrishnan

I gladly jumped when i got a photograph fromfao.orgDr. Revathi Balakrishnan  was my teacher when i was studying for my graduation in Home science then she had gone to US for her Post graduation in Home Science. Then  she joined back in the year 1982 in the Deptt.of FRM,CCSHAU,where I was working as Research Associate.. It was a great experience working under her guidance. Not only because she supported me in preparing for higher studies, in spite of my lacking of good grades in my graduation. For her support and inspiration, I feel very much in debt with her. Later on I did my Masters and my post graduations too. She is  Regional Rural Sociologist and Women in Development Officer in FAO Regional Office for Asia and the PacificBangkok, Thailand
Dr. Revathi Balakrishnan (standing)

I found some information in the report given  in fao.org, I am posting  medicinal uses of plants i have in my balcony ...You the readers can be benefited by practicing them.........more plants and their medicinal uses click the link given above.
Have a read!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Isn't Poetry a Research!!!!!!!!!

एक प्रश्न के जवाब में 

कितनी जल्दी बूढ़े हो जाते हैं 
हमारे चहेते काका- दादा लोग   

रोज़ नई अडंगी डालने वाले  
कमीज़ में सुराख़ करने वाले 
नई रबर पेंसिल चोरी करने वाले  
टिफ़िन बॉक्स से लज़ीज़ खाना गड़प करने वाले 
दोस्त तो सदा कड़क जवान बने रहते हैं  

मंगलू काका 
जो रोज़ इक नई कहानी को ज़मीन  पर उतारा करते  
कांसी की थाली में परोसी बाजरे की खिचड़ी को
इतनी देर तक फेंटते
कि  खिचड़ी की सफेदी खुद शर्माने लगती 
कभी- कभी लगता कि  काकी के चूल्हे ने अधपकी खिचड़ी पकाई है 
बाकी का कमाल तो काका की ऊंगलियों ने किया है  

काका देर रात गए घड़े बनाते और 
मैं उकडू बैठ उनकी  उँगलियों का जादू बिना पलक झपकाए देखा करती 
चाक पर मिटटी के  लौंदे से सुराही बनाते काका 
जादूगर के सगे भाई  दिखाई देते  

अपने उस चुलबुले दौर में 
घर वाले सिपाही के नाती लगते   
और काका फरिश्तों  के   दूत  
घर वालों की टोली में से एक बाशिंदा
मुझे ढूँढने काका के दलान में आ धमकता   

काका गिरते भागते 
अँधेरे को  टटोलते मुझे 
कहीं गुल कर दिया करते 

काका की चेचक के निशान से लदे दागिले काले चेहरे पर
आँखों की बजाये दो काले गड्ढे थे  
जिन पर मैं अपनी नन्ही उंगलियां 
कुछ इस अनुमान से फेरती कि 

किसी तरह दिख जाए काका को मेरा नन्हा चेहरा 
दिख जाये मेरे घुंघराले बाल 
एक आँख में डला काज़ल 
मेरी धुल सनी चड्डी -बनियान 

एक वक्त के बाद 
किसी शाप की छाया के नीचे आ 
काका-भतीजी का यह रिश्ता 
दो देशो जैसा कंटीला हो गया 

मेरे दादा की काका से बिगड़ गई 
इस बैर-राग का पहला और आखीरी  निशाना 
मैं ही बनी  

‘टांग तोड़ दूंगा कुम्हार मोहल्ले की तरफ दीखा  भी कभी तो’
छोटे चचा ने आँख तरेरी’
मेरे आंसुओं की कहानी 
किसी किताब में बंद हो गयी  

मेरा कद ऊँटनी से टक्कर लेने लगा 
मेरी युवा आँखों के सामने 
यह दुनिया गर्म पानी में रखे अंडे की तरह मेरे सामने उबलने लगी 

इस बार गाँव आने पर   
आँखों के गढ्ढों में गंदगी लिए मैले-कुचले काका को देख कर 
मैं अपने में सिमट 
दो कदम पीछे हट गई 
दोष मेरा नहीं मेरी साफ़ सुधरी विरासत का था 
जिसे हर मैली चीज़ से उबकाई आती थी 

मेरी बचपन की चपलता को काला चोर ले गया 
गांव के चौबारे में एक लड़की और
वह भी शहर से आयी हुई

दुनिया कुछ है 
उसकी किसी को परवाह नहीं है 

मंगलू काका तो दुनिया को चालू हालत में छोड़  
अपने धाम चले गए    
मै वापिस अपनी उस दुनिया में हाथ-पाँव मारने लगी   
जहाँ पर ना कोई मंगलू कुम्हार से  सिद्धहस्त हाथ हैं ना  
कोई स्नेहिल मंगलू काका. 
a poem by Vipin Choudhry
and something about poet Emily Dickinson    HERE
Have a Read!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

my publications

"The quality of your life
 is determined 
by the focus of your attention"

Cheri Huber

My inspiration : today

Vintage Vixen: Jumble Sale Joy

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Farm women’s recreations

Farm women, from the neighborhood meet together while collecting fuel (leaves, barks, shrubs, twigs), fodder, and wild-food like cholaai, kondra, teent, peal (wild fruit), from the nearby waste lands and, fields and during bringing water.  

During such discussions, women share their ideas with one another which not only create opportunities for self-expression (they also discuss misbehaviour conducted to them by older member of their families), but also symbolize some degree of group solidarity. 
tribuneindia;carrying water

tribuneindia:bringing fodder

On these occasions, women meet together and discuss personal, family, and village affairs as they go about the work of fuel collection or fetching water. 
  Women, especially housewives, almost universally cherish the experience of visiting houses of close kin. For a young, newly married housewife, the greatest recreation can be a piihar-a short, periodic visit to her parents from her husband's home. During such visits, women generally take a break from the burden of daily work and pass the time by meeting kin and friends.
Happy reading!!!!!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kantaha,research on the topic

The word kantha has no discernable etymological root. The exact time of origin of the word kantha is not accurately known but it probably had a precursor in kheta (khet in Hindi and Bengali means "field").According to Niaz Zaman, the word kantha originated from the Sanskrit word kontha, which means rags, as kantha is made of rags.
Kantha Tradition
Like any other folk art, kantha making is influenenced by factors such as materials available, daily needs, climate, geography, and economic factors.[11] Probably the earliest form of kantha was the patchwork kantha, and the kanthas of the decorative applique type evolved from this.
Kantha in Literature
The earliest mention of Bengal Kantha is found in the book "Sri Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita" by Krishnadas Kaviraj, which was written some five hundred years ago.
Kantha Making
Traditionally old sarees, lungis and dhotis were used to make kanthas. Kantha making was not a full time job. Women in almost every household were expert in the art. Rural women worked at leisure time or during the lazy days of the rainy season, so taking months or even years to finish a kantha was normal. At least 5-7 sarees were needed to make a standard size kantha. Today the old materials are replaced by new cotton cloths. Traditionally the thread was collected from the old sarees. That is rarely done today.
When making a kantha, first the sarees are joined together to attain the required size, and then layers are spread out on the ground. The cloths are then smoothed, leaving no folds or creases in between. During the process, the cloth is kept flat on the ground with weights on the edges. Then the four edges are stitched and two or three rows of large running stitches are done to keep the kantha together. At this stage, the kantha can be folded and stitched at leisure time.
Originally, designs and motifs were not drawn on the cloth. The design was first outlined with needle and thread, followed by focal points, and then the filling motifs were done. In a kantha with a predominant central motif the centre was done first, followed by corner designs and the other details. In some types of kanthas (carpet, lik and sujni, etc.) wooden blocks were used to print the outline. The blocks are replaced today by patterns drawn in tracing papers.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakshi_Kantha

photo via(Wikipedia)
some links here.......................
Handicrafts,India,SouthAsia,SouthEast Asia,Bangladesh,Bhutan,Maldives,Nepal,Pakistan,Sri Lanka
Aresearsh paper on sociological context of Bangal Kantha

Have a read!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Maiya knits. Mayhem ensues.: Pick Your Own Swap

Maiya knits. Mayhem ensues.: Pick Your Own Swap: My favorite group on Ravelry , Knit Knack often holds knitting swaps or exchanges. Usually there's a theme and a designated dollar amount a...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Chamba rumal

My love of Handkerchiefs (rumal) i think inspired by a rural geet i will post if found anywher in net or i will record it from rurl folks voice and post it on my blog...Right....
Meanwhile know the chamba rumal !!!!!!!!

..The Chamba Rumal comes from the beautiful state of Himachal Pradesh. The art of embroidering Krishna on these fabrics is traced back to the 8th century and was promoted by Raja Prithvi Singh, who ruled Chamba from 1641 to 1664. A patron of miniature painting, he is said to have reinvented fabric art among his weavers and vegetable dye block-printers.
Yes!!!!!!! really chamba is a part of Himachal Pradesh, noted for its exquisite style of Phahari and Kaugra school of painting. The stlye of painting influenced the emboidery of the place and maybe considered as needle painting.
Fabric- used is Tussai or fine cotton faric, it is white or cream in colour. The cloth is generally unleached and thus appears off- white in colour. Material used is hand spun thin fabric like Malmal or hand spun hand woven khaddar. Machine made cloth is also used which remains unbleached.
Thread- used is untwisted silken floss in a variety of colours. It makes the pattern appear smooth and glossy.
Colors: colors used are many and vary. No chumba rumal is found in one color. Blue was predominant in earlier samples. Other colors are green orange and yellow. If a motif of the figure of Lord Krishna was used, the body was embriodered in blue and the hands and feet were embroidered in crimson or mauve. Colors were chosen based on variety rather than appropriateness.
Stitches used were- double satin stitch, carried forward and backward alternately, done on both sides of teh fabric simultaneously. The embroidery appears same on both sides. The intricacy of the work on both sides of the fabric is such that you cannot tell the right side from the wrong. Stem Stitch is used when necessary and buttonhole stitch is used to finish the edges.
Motifs Used: animal and bird motifs along with human figures are used. Bird motifs include parrots, peacock, duck and swan. Animal motifs include leaping tigers, horses, rams, running boars. Tree Motifs include the cypress and the plaintain tress bent, laden with flowers and fruits. the motifs were usually stylised in nature.
The themes are mostly inspired by paintings and depict scenes from indain mythology, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Ras lila, Krishna lila, Pahari paintings, hunting, marriage scenes, and game of dice.

Must Read!!!!

Cloopco: Dress my feet

Dress my feet

I love the word "slipper"! It's one of the first words I usually look up in a dictionary when I'm learning a foreign language and, for some funny reason, that word always sounds adorably cute: babbuccia, babouche, pantofola, pantoffel, pantufla, terlik, туфля "tooflya", papuča "papoocha"...probably because slipper is a lovely thing. No wonder you need to lose a slipper to get a leading role in a fairytale (losing other pieces of clothes surely does open new opportunities as well...not in fairytales, 'tho!!).

The other day, while I was searching for some old sock patterns in one of my knitting baskets, I stumbled upon a few lovely traditionally knitted slippers my late grandma had made long time ago.WHY DON’T I KNIT SLIPPERS? Do other knitters make them? I don’t recall ever seeing a pair of slippers on Ravelry. If there were any, I guess I would have spotted them by now (what a mistake!)! But, again- with so many sock knitters out there….So I typed the word “slippers” into the Ravelry Projects browser and…oh, my! The picture was breathtaking! Ravelers do make slippers! And boots! And clogs! Ballet flats, Cinderella slippers, shoes…They make miracles! In circle, flat, toe-up, upside-down, felted, knitted, crocheted…all kinds of miracles.
And that treasure chest has been in front of my nose all this time.

I had to share that beauty with you, of course, so I picked a “few” projects and made a gallery-like post (well, two posts to be more precise, there’s no reason to reveal all the beauty right away, is there?!) of what bare hands can make (to make bare feet feel warm). All that with help from their authors and designers, of course!
And, no, I won’t get paid for saying how beautiful their works are (recession!!!). :)))

I’ve picked some lovely pictures and I’ll put links to the original patterns wherever it is possible - you can drain the inspiration from them, CO some of the projects yourself, enjoy watching them, buy them or get them for free, faint or bow to the authors if you like…what ever you do, I promise you it’s going to be a jaw dropping set of pictures. (I’m allowed to say that- none of the projects from this post is mine. But, then again, it’s my blog and I’m allowed to say whatever I want, anyway! :)) ).

Only, bare in mind- this is not a top list of THE most beautiful projects; there’s still a sea of outstanding hand-made slippers out there. My main intention was to show you some of the most interesting shapes, designs and ideas. Oh, well, yes, I did add multiple examples of the same pattern here and there but I just liked them so much…Yah, I was a wee bit subjective too, I admit! ;-)

That said,

The story of the magic slipper from my imagination begins long time ago somewhere in Persia…

...and that is where this list begins as well...


Recycling of tree branches..........

Yes where there are trees, there are fallen branches for sure, especially after a big windstorm…we have many trees in our front park and one in just front of our main gate…here I am telling you how to turn tree tailing into wooden buttons that add a natural touch to any heavy garment .or to your furnishings.the process is simple……..an expert(carpenter) will tips from his experiences on what branches to look for(and avoid), how to dry wood, and how to prevent splitting during drilling..
So instead of spending money on endangered-hardwood, sweatshop-labour buttons from around the world, why not wear a piece of local, living tree that you love?????

 My handy man helped me make my buttons out of a log (branch) from a tree in our front main gate…..
Instructions on how to make diy wooden buttons:
Begin by using a sharp tool or a pencil to mark the intervals where your buttons will be cut. You want them to be relatively thin, but they should not be so thin that they risk snapping. I found that they should be at least 1/8″ thick. I marked next to my notches in black so that you can see them more clearly.
Cut the end of the branch using the hacksaw or you can use electric table saw. The project is admittedly far more tedious when sawing by hand, but I wanted to show that this could be done without any major tool investment. My handy man is equipped with his handsaw only. But if you or your handyman do have an electric saw, I would recommend using that for expediency. Of course watch your fingers, incase you yourself is doing this task or instruct your handyman for these safety measures like….. Wear safety glasses! Right!!
Place the sawed end of the branch over the edge of your work surface, and saw through the first line you’ve marked off. Once you’ve sawed that button off, continue until you have as many as you’d like.
Using your drill l with a very fine drill bit, carefully position your bit just left of center and drill through the button. My handyman drilled atop an old piece of wood to protect his work surface. Repeat with the other side of the button to create two holes (here I do made him to make four as the diameter of buttons is big)for sewing. If you prefer the look, then you can too drill four holes instead.
One you’ve drilled through all your buttons, lightly buff each side with sandpaper to remove any edges that could snag clothing or other fabric.

After sanding, simply polish each button on both sides with a wood product, such as furniture polish or the like. This will seal the buttons a bit and give them a more ‘finished’ look.
Mine buttons are waiting for their last finishing touch! I will apply two coats of varnish on them!  The reason .it is in hand with me, but it’s really more to shine than polish.I’ recommend a polish or wax for this step.
There you have it_______as many cute little wooden buttons as you’ll ever want. You don’t need to buy any expensive tools, and you’ll save a lot in the long run over ordering wooden buttons from the market…………..

the buttons above on my curtains were costly .....now i can use my own created buttons on my other new curtains.right!

and i have to cover a button for my wreath rag flower...........now i can use my wooden ones!

this is the button selvedge d from my shirt i sewed in 1974 when i was in 11th not only that it was used on my purse and the selvedged from purse for another new project.this is bigger then my wooden buttons.Now i will use my wooden buttons wherever big buttons are required.right.......

Have a good creative day!!!!!