Surveys have been carried out in the villages of Haryana state, Hisar in the year 1997-2000 to record the activity profile (leisure activities drawn in this paper out of the activity profile) of farmwomen of the state. Multistage random sampling method was used to select the district, villages and farm families of the study. In all nine hundred families were surveyed for activity profiles of farmwomen. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research’s Home Science Unit provided the protocol of the survey. It was observed in the study that the leisure activities of the farmwomen were does not fall under the real meaning of the leisure. Farmwomen extract their leisure through chatting with their friends and relatives, for which they seldom consume any free time. Next they feel satisfied and relaxed through preparing special dishes for their family members. Making handicraft items by doing embroidery, crocheting, knitting, weaving also makes them happy. Gardening and marketing which are the necessary activities of the home in farm families of Haryana state of India, but farmwomen extract their leisure by performing these activities. This study shows that farmwomen of Haryana are burdened with strenuous activities, but they curve out leisure from their routine activities. The study results were corroborated by the studies of the other states with the same project.
The World Leasure Journal has recentky published a paper I authored. It can be found here, beginning on page 166:WLJ_Vo_l49_no3_2007.pdf
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