Many women don't know they have problem. If your grandmother got up and put a pebble in her shoe every day, and your mother did the same thing, you're going to put the pebble in your shoe too, and not think about complaining.
Leisure being a necessary part of life in every human being- as it provides a chance to relax and recover from the stress and fatigue of everyday life. Rural farmwomen of Haryana have their own ways of enjoying leisure and recreation despite the scarce means, hard work, and everyday struggle involved in a subsistence-oriented life style. They have an amazing capacity to turn some of their routine work into avenues of recreation, and thereby, transform some of the most mundane and dry work into rewarding leisure experience.
Farm women have developed the skill to carve out pleasure from their meetings during everyday work, chatting with friends and relatives during their social visits and festivals, visit to market after sale of crops, their food preparation and their handicrafts. Farmwomen’s leisure activities mainly are: Embroidery, knitting, sewing, crocheting, dari making, kitchen gardening and preparation of special food item for their families.
This article has attempted to show that women of the farm families of Haryana, enjoy recreation and leisure in their own unique way as they they don’t know they have problem with lot of work and no formal leisure and recreation means. It is significant to note that they found some ways of stealing away from the mental sense of obligation and pressure generated by their cumbersome daily work performed in a largely hostile and disadvantageous environment, and of creating their own mental worlds of joy within their daily struggle.